Pretius APEX Help Text Tooltip

Oracle APEX item plugin v1.0

The plugin overrides native APEX help text presentation layer (inline dialog) with tooltips in Oracle APEX 5 and Universal Theme. The tooltip can be aligned using 24 positions and it can indicate item, item label and item help button.


This plugin is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects under MIT license. License has been included with this software.

Legal Disclaimer

The program(s) and/or file(s) are supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author takes no responsibility, assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of these program(s) and/or file(s).


Detailed documentation, usage guide, roadmap ang version changelog is available at Pretius GitHub repository.

Live demo

Demo presents the plugin in action. Tooltips content is stored as APEX item help text defined in APEX item section Help > Help text. For presentation purpose almost every help text is displayed on item focus event. It is not default configuration of the plugin and it can be turned off.


The demo presents all possible (6 positions x 3 modifiers + 6 = 24) positions for help text tooltip aligned to Item (same positions apply when Align to = Item label). For this example the plugin attributes are defined as follow:

  • Align to is set to Item
  • Item event(s) is set to Focus
  • Button event is set to Click
  • Hide other(s) is set to All plugin instances on page
  • Label text as title set to Yes

Focus on first input field and go through all examples using Tab key or click on each help text button.

Default help text

Native APEX help text is displayed as inline dialog.

Above & float left

Above & float right

Above & centered

Below & float left

Below & float right

Below & centered



Align to

Help text tooltip can indicate 1 of 3 APEX item components:

  • Item field
  • Item label
  • Item help text button


Help text tooltip can be aligned to APEX item using three position modifiers: Start, Middle and End of the APEX item. All possible position are presented in Positions tab.

Item label

Help text tooltip can be aligned to APEX item label using three position modifiers: Start, Middle and End of the APEX item label. All posible position are same as for Align to = Item and only a few are presented below.

Item help button

Help text tooltip can be aligned to APEX item help button. Unlike Item and Item label this attribute value can't be mixed with with position modifiers.



The plugin supports hover & focus for APEX item, and hover & click for APEX item Help button. Events can be mixed together.

Item events

Button events

Show title

The tooltip renders title as label text by default. The title can be turned off with this attribute.

Hide other

The plugin supports hiding shown help texts in three variants:

  1. None - none help text is hidden when current help text is displayed
  2. This dynamic actions - all help texts (defined within one dynamic action) but current are hidden
  3. All plugin instances on page - regardless the number of dynamic actions, all but current help text are hidden

Various item types

For this example the plugin attributes are defined:

  • Tooltip position is set to Right & centered
  • Align to is set to Item help button
  • Item event(s) is set to Focus
  • Button event is set to Click
  • Hide other(s) is set to All plugin instances on page
  • Label text as title set to No
Expected format: YYYY-MM-DD


Please click on the button below


About the author

Bartosz Ostrowski
Bartosz Ostrowski

Oracle Application Express, PL/SQL and Frontend developer. IT consultant experienced in developing database and web applications using Oracle Application Express.
Oracle APEX enthusiast, plugin developer and active community member.

release 1.0 Set Screen Reader Mode Off